Brad McCallum

Brad McCallum
SHROUD: Mothers' Voices

A Memorial to Gun Shot Victims, New Haven, CT

Bradley McCallum
Shroud: Mothers' Voices is a memorial for gunshot victims from New Haven, Connecticut. The installation includes individual silk banners bearing the image of each victim's mother, the mother's name and her child's name, age and date of death and a two hour video document edited into ten minute vignettes. During each vignette, individual mothers share their memories of their children, describe whom they hold responsible for their children's deaths and speak about what it means to be a mother. McCallum's installation acknowledges victims of gun related violence and a culture veiled by the violence that guns often bring.

Bradley McCallum received a B.F.A. in Sculpture from Virginia Commonwealth University (1989), and an M.F.A. from Yale University (1993). He now lives in Portland, Maine.

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